How the Overload of Toxins in your Body can make you Sick

If your body is overburdened with lots of toxins, both those generated by its normal processes and those entering your system via your food, air or other means, and you are not drinking enough clear water or exercising, your elimination organs will reach a point where they cannot handle the overload. Our bodies normally generate carbon dioxide, old dead cells, fiber, urea, etc. and the organs that process and eliminate these and other toxic substances include the Lungs, Air Passages and Mucous Membranes, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Colon and Skin. More

Probiotics – The Good Stuff in Your Gut

Pro-biotics, also known as probiflora, is the opposite of anti-biotics. These are the “good” bacteria that are found in the human digestive tract. The gut flora are the microorganisms that normally live in the digestive tract and that perform a number of useful functions for their hosts. More