3 Reasons why Mindful Exercise is SO much better

Walking. Calisthenics. Jogging. Running. Aerobics. Weight Training. Swimming. Pilates. Competitive Sports.

Yoga. Tai Chi. Chi Kung. Martial Arts.

What is the difference between these two groups of exercise?

3 Reasons Mindful Exercise is Better


Why Loving Yourself is not Selfish

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been told by someone that you’ve gone to for help with your various health issues that you’ve got to start loving yourself. I don’t know what it was but for some or other reason I understood this on an intellectual level, but just couldn’t get it right to actually do it. And I didn’t know what I needed to do either, because no-one was ever specific about it to me. I just got…”You have to LOVE YOURSELF!!!”

YES, I KNOW!!! So how do I do that?!!!


PHOTO: Marlene McPherson (c)
